Monday, 15 June 2015 09:15

Stage 3 Racer Posts


Cindy Kosmicki– Today was a good day. Running and knowing you will be done in 2 1/2hrs. is a nice reprieve from knowing you arent even close to half way at 2 1/2hrs. The three amigos…Cheri, Tricia, and I stuck together again and it was a good time. Ran along the Colorado river for a couple miles and again had one big long climb but, all in all a great day! We also each got a 30 min. massage so that topped off the day. I have to admit…I am TERRIFIED for tomorrow. It will def be the toughest day. Temp will be over 100 and the first 5 miles is a uphill climb. I am glad I have a couple women here who are at my same pace and we can all suffer together.:) We start the day at 7am and have to finish by midnight. If whoever reads this could say a prayer for myself and my friends out here tomorrow, I would REALLY appreciate it! We are going to need them. If you have any encouraging words, please post on this sight. They will get us the message.:) We would love to hear from you! Thanks guys and here is to finishing Day #4 tomorrow!!:) P.S. I miss my family! Love you guys!:)

Rebecca – rough few miles in the beginning. Blisters on the bottoms of both feet made a lot of the terrain uncomfortable to run on. A blissfully short day with a 30 minute massage next to the Colorado River. Hoping to survive the day tomorrow.

Gene – Never have I been so lacking in confidence before a big run! I struggled mightily today over a mere 12 miles and tomorrow’s run is 42 miles. The sun keeps finding chinks in my protective armor.
Tara– Still a little drained from the heat I started stage 3 intending to walk the whole way to recover from the heat from yesterday and get my legs recovered for tomorrow. But after two miles of walking, the sun started beating down and I decided I didn’t want to spend any more time out in the sun today then I had to, so I did a slow run/walk combo to come into the finish in 3:17. I was happy to be out of the heat the rest of the day. I got to wash my hair in the silty river today, which felt refreshing, and then spend the bulk of the afternoon doing surgery on my blisters, rehydrating, and laying in the shade. By my Garmin we hit at least 103 degrees today. I am feeling better now than I did yesterday. I am not looking forward to the heat, but I have been strong on hill climbs so far, and I’m hoping the higher altidute will mean slightly lower tempuratures. Hoping to sleep better tonight than last night.


Leire elosegui – manana es el gran dia 70km y a ver, hoy he corrido superbien . era corto solo 22. detras de la lider. me he enterado que es del equipo nacional. jode como corre la tia.
luego pues con el arduraduna mal. no me gusta nada y no entiendo como lleva eltema.el mismo que me dijo que le habia emocionado mi correo. es mu raro todo. como que te dan buffet libre y luego cuando uno de los chicos se ha ofrecido a dejarme su movil para manana que tiene la aplicacion para no perderme, le ha faltado tiempo pa decirle que no sutilmente. pero si algunos lo tienen, no es trampa. es una aplicacion especifica de la ruta, como si llevas un reloj. tenia que haberle hecho caso a xabi y traer me mega reloj. en fin.
el paisaje increible y la experiencia hoy de correr sola me ha encantado. es como mejor me encuentro. en el grupo hay de todo pero no acabo de verle el atractivo. son muy iparamerikatarrak. oso eta ez zait batere gustatzen beraien rolloa. al det hitzegin eta tal y cual, baina ez det ondo ulertzen beraien dinamika.
bestela asko disfrutatzen. beste mundu batetan nago egia esan.
biharko ia zorte ona deten.