Stage Race Sunday! Who’s coming to play in the desert this year?
Jeff Knakal is coming down from the humid Pacific Northwest. His training secret? Parking his car in the sun and driving with the windows up and heat on!
Marital Status: Married (to Desert RAT Theresa)
Number of Children: 2 (Both out of college)
Occupation: Boeing Engineer
Years running: Since the Nixon Administration
Years running ultras: 8
Ultras I have done: Many Rainshadow Running and Northwest Trail Running Races, Volcanic 50K (Mt. St. Helens), Chuckanut 50K, Rainier to Ruston 50M. No 100 milers – those people are crazy
Favorite race and why: The Grand Canyon R2R2R was epic. Desert Rats is just as good and the people are more fun.
Best results in races: Most of my best results are in Rowing races, but in running, I did qualify for the Boston Marathon at the Boston Marathon!
Tell us something about yourself, running related or other: I’m thrilled and amazed each day I wake up healthy enough to explore the world using the power of my own legs and heart and lungs.
What’s your favorite way to train for Desert RATS: I generally follow the Runners World 50 mile plan with a few variations. I also park my car in the sun and drive with the windows up and heat on. We have a sauna too!
What are your goals for Desert RATS: 1. Survive/finish. 2. Beat Sue by TWO minutes. Is she coming again? Don’t tell her. I don’t want to get her fired up.